7 tips for keeping your family wall calendar organised and up-to-date

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Staying on top of your own schedule is hard enough, but if you’ve got a whole household to manage, it can become nigh on impossible.

For a lot of families, a shared wall calendar is the best way to track and manage every important event that’s on the horizon, minimising the potential for stress in the process. 

Here are a few of the best ways to ensure that your family wall calendar doesn’t get overlooked.

7 tips for keeping your family wall calendar organised and up-to-date

Make sure your family wall calendar is in a sensible location

You’ll find it easier to check up on a wall calendar if it isn’t tucked in some out-of-the-way corner. Try to keep it in a location where it will be seen and used the most.

The kitchen is the obvious option for a lot of families, but a wall calendar can also work well in a living room, dining room, or even on the back of the front door so it’s the last thing you see before you leave the house. Just make sure it matches the decor.

Embrace colour coded entries

Grab a pack of highlighters that are in several different colours, and decide on which ones to assign to specific types of event that are common on your calendar.

You could choose pink for play dates, blue for trips away, green for evenings out, and so forth. Alternatively you could assign each member of the family their own colour, so they know at a glance if they’ve got an event that day.

calendar app on an ipad

Don’t forget about digital reminders

You don’t have to rely solely on a wall calendar to manage your family schedule. There are lots of great calendar apps out there which will be a boon for busy families.

Create your own custom calendar featuring family photos

With the help of a photo calendar maker, it’s easy to create a completely custom wall calendar that’s entirely unique, and features pictures of the whole family to accompany each month of the year.

These photos will look good, be meaningful, and of course will give you an incentive to look at the calendar above and beyond the basic reason of organisation.

Ask for help

You don’t have to take the full burden of organising the wall calendar. If you get other members of the household involved it will be better for everyone.

Even kids can help out, and they’ll benefit from learning how to use calendars from an early age. Once they’ve established basic reading and writing skills, they can put these to work by helping you fill out entries in the shared calendar and keeping track of upcoming events.

woman holding a calendar

Pick a day each week to review the calendar

Routine is useful in ensuring we stay on top of all our responsibilities, and it’s certainly handy when it comes to keeping your family wall calendar filled out.

Choose a point each week for a calendar update, and you’ll find it much less likely that an event will have been missed off or overlooked.

Add all sorts of events to the calendar

Last but not least, don’t let your wall calendar become the place where you put all the boring but essential events such as visits to the dentist. Only including this type of event means your calendar is more likely to be overlooked.

It’s better to fill it with fun times as well, even if that’s something as small as blocking out every other Friday for family movie night.

These little touches will make everyone more interested in the wall calendar, and will stop it fading into the background of your domestic space.

Do you use a family wall calendar to keep everyone organised? What’s your top tip for making it effective?

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A family wall calendar is a great way to keep everyone organised. These tips and tricks will ensure yours doesn't get overlooked.

The post 7 tips for keeping your family wall calendar organised and up-to-date appeared first on Growing Family.

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