Sloom: The Perfect Night’s Rest

Dreaming of a better way to make and sell the perfect night’s rest, Rudo Kemp established Sloom in 2016.

Sloom: The Perfect Night’s Rest


After several years of experience working in graphic design, marketing management, lecturing and the creative space working on brands such as Nivea, Clover, Lays, Lil-lets, Jacobs and Nescafé to name a few, Susan joined her Husband Rudo Kemp, Founder of Sloom to take the business further.

Rudo Kemp, her partner, owned a local bed shop which – together with Susan – they transformed to a profit earning business in a short period of time. After selling, Rudio and Susan side-hustled Sloom in the evenings and officially launched the brand in 2017.

“Sloom needed branding and a website that portrayed the big idea. Being the first brand in SA to have this concept, every idea and aspect had to be thoroughly thought through. While Rudo is strong in designing the technical parts of the product concept and business model, he needed my creativity to have a visually attractive product that could be presented with equally attractive marketing. Whenever I had an hour or two to spare, it was spent on creating adverts, social media posts, the website and planning photoshoots. Some evenings I got home from my day job and helped Rudo box up bases and wrap headboards that had to be sent out to customers the following day. Although Sloom ran as a one-man show at the time, some tasks needed an extra pair of hands to do the heavy lifting, (literally and figuratively).” she laughs.

By the end of 2019, Sloom reached a financially stable position to support both of them, and Susan left the agency to work alongside Rudo full-time by February 2020 .

“I have always loved listening to people’s ideas and helping them to execute it in the best way possible. Seeing ideas come to life is one of the greatest things about working in the visual arts.”

Contact: Sloom.
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The post Sloom: The Perfect Night’s Rest appeared first on SA Decor & Design.

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