You Can Get Paid $2,000 To Watch ‘House of the Dragon’ And Other Fantasy Shows

You Can Get Paid $2,000 To Watch ‘House of the Dragon’ And Other Fantasy Shows

For more content like this follow is looking to pay one lucky viewer $2,000 to watch 40 hours worth of popular fantasy shows over 30 days, including all available episodes of “House of the Dragon” and “The Rings of Power,” as well as select episodes from “Game of Thrones” and “The Witcher.” If journeying from Westeros to the Shire from the comfort of your couch sounds like a dream gig, this is the job for you.

While watching, the winner will be asked to rate the following on a provided task sheet: The creativity of the show’s world, the believability of the characters, the overall uniqueness of the plot, difficulty understanding the show or keeping up with its characters, and a final ranking of the best show among the four. To help you keep your stamina, USDish will also send you some complimentary snacks in a swag box valued at $350.

You’ll also be expected to provide a short review vlog of “House of the Dragon” and “Rings of Power.” And if you’re still bitter over how “Game of Thrones” ended, the last task is right up your alley — you’ll be asked to rewrite or re-vlog the ending of the show, explaining what you would’ve done differently. From changing Daenerys’ fate to switching up who winds up on the Iron Throne, the power is in your hands.

Ready to put your hat in the ring? To apply, visit and explain why you would be a perfect fit. Whether you can recite every “Lord of the Rings” song by heart or have been watching “Game of Thrones” since Ned Stark was still kicking, any evidence of your fandom is key (bonus points if you make a video).

Interested fans need to apply by October 21, and must be at least 18 years old, as well as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Good luck!

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