Moving day for your plants: ensuring a smooth transition

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When you move home there’s a lot to organise and manage, and it’s easy to forget that the plants you’re taking with you also need your attention.

If you’re not sure how to look after your plants during the moving process, there are lots of tips to help you in this article. From prepping plants for the move to safe transportation and getting them settled in their new home, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn how to manage moving day for your plants.

Moving day for your plants: ensuring a smooth transition

Preparing your plants for the move

Getting your plants ready to be moved is important. If they’re in good condition before the move they will have a much better chance of surviving and thriving.

Water your plants a day or two before the move, so that the soil is moist but not soggy. Pack them into sturdy boxes with bubble wrap or packing paper to protect the leaves and stems. Be sure to label each plant so that the right care is taken when they reach their destination. You can group similar plants together for easier unpacking too. You might also want to consider renting a removal van for better transport from companies like

Choosing the right transportation

If you’re transporting lots of plants over a long distance, consider a climate-controlled vehicle to keep them comfortable. Whatever transport you choose, the vehicle should be well-ventilated to prevent overheating.

Make sure there’s ample space so your plants aren’t crowded or possibly damaged. Place taller plants at the back and smaller plants at the front to give some stability. Use seat belts on potted plants or put them in boxes to prevent the risk of toppling.

gardening tools in a garden

Unpacking and replanting: first steps in your new home

Try to unpack your plants as soon as possible to minimise stress. They may need watering straight away.

When choosing a location for your plants in your new home, try to find a spot that provides the conditions that each plant prefers. You can give your plants a boost with a liquid plant food or a soil refresh to help them get settled.

Caring for stressed plants post-move

If your plants have started to wilt, or some leaves have turned yellow, they will need perking up. Check if the soil is moist and if not give them a good water. You can also spray them with water to increase the humidity levels, this is particularly useful with plants that enjoy tropical conditions such as orchids.

It’s also worth placing stressed plants in a shaded place for the first few days, to limit heat exposure.

flowering plants in pots

Setting up your new garden space

As we’ve already mentioned, finding the right location for each of your plants is crucial to their health. Take some time to observe sun and shade in your garden before making any decisions. Sun-loving plants will need the brightest locations, while shade lovers will thrive in cooler, darker areas.

When planting, always leave enough space between plants so they have room to grow. And pay attention to watering while they all get established in their new home.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on the way to minimising stress on your plants while you move house.

The post Moving day for your plants: ensuring a smooth transition appeared first on Growing Family.

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