100 sunflower quotes and sunflower captions to inspire

100 sunflower quotes and sunflower captions to inspire

Are you in need of some sunny floral inspiration?  Look no further than this list of one hundred fantastic quotes about sunflowers and sunflower captions for instagram.

sunflower field with blue sky

The best quotes about sunflowers

With their show stopping flowers and impressive size, it’s no wonder that these iconic blooms have inspired a lot of sunflower quotes and sunflower sayings.

I’ve rounded up one hundred beautiful quotes about sunflowers all in one place, to give you a bumper dose of inspiration.

As well as inspirational quotes about sunflowers, there are beautiful sunflower sayings, happy sunflower quotes, uplifting sunflower quotes, sunflower love quotes, and short sunflower quotes for when you only need a few words.  I’ve even included some sunflower poems for you to enjoy.

Bookmark this blog post, so it’s easy to find when you’ve got the perfect sunflower picture to share – or when you just need some thoughtful words with a floral theme.

You might also like to take a look at my sunflower puns for some giggles.

field of sunflowers

Sunflower captions for instagram and social media

Need some inspiring sunflower quotes for instagram photos?  This is the perfect list to choose from, with short sunflower captions and cute sunflower captions for instagram to make your sunflower pictures stand out.

Before you post your lovely sunflower pics, take advantage of my nature hashtags copy and paste lists.  Included is a handy list of popular instagram hashtags for flower photos to save you time and help your picture reach more people.

The fun doesn’t stop with your social media posts either.  You can use these quotes about sunflowers in school projects, texts and greeting cards too.

closeup of sunflower

Amazing sunflower facts

Sunflowers really are fantastic plants.  Before you dive into the sunflowers quotes, take a look at these awesome sunflower facts.

  • Sunflowers (also known as Helianthus) originate from the Americas.
  • There are around seventy different species of sunflowers, with a wide variety of heights and colours to choose from.
  • The flower heads track the movement of the sun throughout the day – hence the name.
  • Each sunflower is made up of thousands of tiny flowers.
  • As well as looking stunning in our gardens, sunflowers are grown as crops.  The seeds are harvested to make sunflower oil or used elsewhere in the food industry.
  • Sunflower heads are packed with sunflower seeds, so they’re a fantastic source of food for wild birds and other garden wildlife.
  • The tallest sunflower recorded was over thirty feet tall!

If you’d like to have a go at growing your own sunflowers, my post on growing sunflowers in pots takes you through the process step-by-step.

field of sunflowers

Inspirational quotes about sunflowers

Take a moment to reflect with these inspirational sunflower quotes.

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It’s what sunflowers do.” – Helen Keller

“I want to be like a sunflower so that even on the darkest days I will stand tall and find the sunlight.” – Unknown

“True friends are like bright sunflowers that never fade away, even over distance and time.” – Marie Williams Johnstone

“The morning glories and the sunflowers turn naturally toward the light, but we have to be taught, it seems.” – Richard Rohr

“Who knows what may lie around the next corner? There may be a window somewhere ahead. It may look out on a field of sunflowers.” – Joe Hill

“In a crowd of roses, choose to be a sunflower. Thornless. Unwithering. Abundant in seeds.” – JaTawny M. Chatmon

“Which way will the sunflower turn surrounded by millions of suns?” – Allen Ginsberg

closeup of sunflower petals

“Despite knowing they won’t be here for long, they still choose to live their brightest lives – sunflowers.” – Rupi Kaur

A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose.  All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like woman too.” – Miranda Kerr

“Pick up a sunflower and count the florets running into its centre, or count the spiral scales of a pine cone or a pineapple, running from its bottom up its sides to the top, and you will find an extraordinary truth: recurring numbers, ratios and proportions.” – Charles Jencks

A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that’s such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life.” – Helen Mirren

“Every friend is to the other a sun, and a sunflower also. He attracts and follows.” – Jean Paul

“A wise quote can only change a wise man! Therefore, wise sayings are for the wise men, not for the fools! The sunflowers turn their face toward the Sun, the fools, toward the darkness!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

“Advice from a sunflower. Be bright sunny and positive. Know your roots. Spread seeds of happiness. Rise, shine and hold your head up high. Keep on growing. Even on the darkest days, stand tall and find the sunlight.” – Unknown

sunflower field against blue sky

Beautiful sunflower sayings

Whether you need a short and sweet or longer quote, there’s something for everyone in these sunflower sayings.

“And here the sunflower of the spring burns bright in the morning’s beam.” – Ebenezer Elliott

“Does she realise she looks like a sunflower, ready to rain sunlight on all who look down upon her?” – Simone Elkeles

Space for the sunflower, bright with yellow glow, to court the sky.” – Caroline Gilman

Of all the ways the sunflower has of loving light, regret is the most beautiful shadow on the sun dial.” – Andre Breton & Paul Eluard

“The earth paints a portrait of the sun at dawn with sunflowers in bloom. Unhappy with the portrait, she erases it and paints it again and again.” – Rabindranath Tagore

Just living is not enough… One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” – Hans Christian Andersen

“And the yellow sunflower by the brook, in autumn beauty stood.” – William Cullen Bryant

“Hidden inside every flower are seeds of imagination, destiny, and future dreams.” – Sondra Faye

“Fame is the scentless sunflower, with gaudy crown of gold; But friendship is the rose, with sweets in every fold.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr

sunflowers in a field

Happy sunflower quotes

Put a smile on your face with some happiness sunflower quotes.

“I plant sunflowers and get back daily joy.” – Nadine Locke

“Look at its shape, with vibrant yellows and oranges, a sunflower can brighten your day…it’s as if it is smiling like a happy face painted on the sun…so if you do only one thing all day, let it be to smile, so you can brighten the day of others around you, just like the sunflower.” – Bodhi Smith

“Like a single sunbeam on a warm summer day, there is an exuberance and brilliance in a sunflower.” – Unknown

“Yellow is my favourite summer colour – it makes me feel like a sunflower.” – Bria Vinaite

“Then one by one they raised their faces to the sky. ‘Like a field of sunflowers.’” – Fiona Valpy

“The sunflower is the most joyous of all of nature’s flowers.” – Laynni Locke

“If I were a flower.. I would be a sunflower. To always follow the sun, Turn my back to darkness, Stand proud, tall and straight even with my head full of seeds.” – Unknown

field of sunflowers against blue sky

Uplifting sunflowers quotes

Still need to boost your mood?  These uplifting quotes about sunflowers should do the trick.

“Sunflowers end up facing the sun, but they go through a lot of dirt to find their way there.” – J.R. Rim

“I believe there is something of the divine mystery in everything that exists. We can see it sparkle in a sunflower or a poppy.” – Jostein Gaarder

“Always look at the brighter side of life, just like the sunflower, which looks upon the sun, not the dark clouds.” – Unknown

“In April, we cannot see sunflowers in France, so we might say the sunflowers do not exist. But the local farmers have already planted thousands of seeds, and when they look at the bare hills, they may be able to see the sunflowers already. The sunflowers are there. They lack only the conditions of sun, heat, rain and July. Just because we cannot see them does not mean that they do not exist.” – Nhat Hanh

“I don’t think there’s anything on this planet that more trumpets life that the sunflower.” – Tim Firth

“If roses tried to be sunflowers, they would lose their beauty; and if sunflowers tried to be roses, they would lose their strength.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.” – Theodore Roethke

She is a sunflower – strong and bold, and true to herself.” – Unknown

“Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.” – Jim Carrey

Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird – equal seekers of sweetness.” – Mary Oliver

“When I went out to work today and looked a tall sunflower in the face, it smiled at me with all of its seeds.” – Vladimir Nabokov

sunflowers in a vase

Hippie sunflower quotes

Channel your inner flower child with these lovely hippie sunflower quotes.

Be like a sunflower, always look for the light” – Unknown

“A flower does not use words to announce its arrival to the world; it just blooms.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

Like sunflowers, galaxies, and fingerprints, your life is an intricately designed spiral.” – Kristen Lee

“When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the moment.” – Georgia O’Keeffe

“Tomorrow may rain, so I’ll follow the sun.” – Paul McCartney

“Someone was sitting in front of a sunflower, watching the sunflower, a cup of sun, and so I tried it too. It was wonderful; I felt the whole universe in the sunflower. That was my experience. Sunflower meditation. A wonderful confidence appeared. You can see the whole universe in a flower.” – Shunryu Suzuki

Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower.” – John Harrigan

“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo.

“Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun.” – Kahlil Gibran

closeup of sunflower petals

Sunflower love quotes

A selection of sunflower love quotes to help you touch their heart.

“A sunflower for my sunflower. To brighten the dark October days you hate so much. Plant some more, and be safe in the knowledge a warm and bright summer awaits.” – Cecelia Ahern

“Open the bloom of your heart and become a gift of beauty to the world.” – Bryant McGill

“You are touching so many people’s lives. You are a sunflower.” – Avijeet Das

“A sunflower teaches us so much about love.” – Samrah Ahmad

A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” – Max Muller

“In the morning the sunflower blossoms due to the sun’s rays. This morning I just wanted to remind you that my heart blossoms with love for you every day I wake up and it is going to do that forever.” – Sheila Carey

“My will broke at the sound of his voice, and my head turned with as much inevitability as a sunflower turning its face to the sun.” – Patricia Briggs

“Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.” – John Lennon

“Smile to the world and smile to the people you love, as a sunflower smiles at the sun.” – Remez Sasson

“You look beautiful as a sunflower and charming as a rose.” – Avijeet Das

field of sunflowers

Short sunflower quotes for instagram

Only need a few words?  Take your pick from these short sunflower quotes for instagram.

“Make it like a sunflower.” – Steve Jobs

“Never look directly at the sun, instead look at the sunflower.” – Vera Nazarian

“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.” – French Proverb

“Bring me the sunflower crazed with the love of light.” – Eugenio Montale

“A flower blossoms for its own joy.” – Oscar Wilde

“Advice from a sunflower: Be outstanding in your field.” – unknown

“Sunflowers are my friends.” – Laynni Locke

“Turn your face to the sun and the shadows follow behind you.” – Maori proverb

“The road to freedom is bordered with sunflowers.” – Martin Firrell

 “The sunflower is mine, in a way.” – Vincent Van Gogh

“Her smile put the sunflower to shame.” – Jerry Spinelli

“Restless sunflower; cease to move.” – Pedro Calderón de la Barca

bee on sunflower

“A sunflower is always sun-kissed.” – Unknown

“We’re all golden sunflowers inside.” – Allen Ginsberg

“The flower that follows the sun does so even in cloudy days.” – Robert Leighton

“A sunflower field is like a sky with a thousand suns.” – Corina Abdulahm-Negura

Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.” – Mario Fernandez

“Look at the sunny side of everything.” – Christian D. Larsen.

“She is a sunflower! She brings hope to people.” – Avijeet Das

“Stand tall and face the sun.” – Unknown

“The sunflower is a favourite emblem of constancy.” – Thomas Bulfinch

“She stood out like a sunflower in a field of wheat.” – Jennifer L. Armentrout

“If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.” – APJ Abdul Kalam

“Some days you just have to create your own sunshine.” – Sam Sundquist

bee on sunflower

Simple sunflower captions for instagram

Sunflower smiles

Follow the sun

Turn your face to the sun

All you need is love and sunflowers

The happiest flower ever!

No rain, no sunflowers

A ray of sunshine

Here comes the sun…flower

Following the light

Life in full bloom

Sunshine on a cloudy day

Shine bright like a sunflower

hands holding a basket of sunflowers

And finally, a sunflower poem or two

If you like the idea of a longer sunflower quote, how about a sunflower poem?  Here are three classics to get you started.

Light-enchanted sunflower, thou
Who gazest ever true and tender
On the sun’s revolving splendour. – Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Ah! sunflower, weary of time,
Who countest the steps of the sun,
Seeking after that sweet golden clime
Where the traveller’s journey is done;
Where the youth pined away with desire
And the pale virgin shrouded in snow
Arise from their graves, and aspire
Where my sunflower wishes to go! – William Blake

Miles and miles of golden green
Where the sunflowers blow
In a solid glow.
– Robert Browning

vase of pink flowers

More wonderful flower quotes

Still need more of a floral fix?

Take a look at my flower quotes post for over one hundred more gorgeous floral quotes.

You might also like this cute video of sunflowers quotes.

What’s your favourite quote about sunflowers?

I hope these quote about sunflowers and sunflower instagram captions have brought some sunshine to your day, and help to give your photos wow factor.  Share your favourite quotes about sunflowers in the comments 🌻

garden border with sculpture in background

Looking for more nature quotes?

As well as flower quotes, I’ve got garden quotes, tree quotes, waterfall quotes, Earth Day quotes and nature captions for you to explore. There’s even a list of Halloween quotes for spooky season, plus seasonal roundups of spring quotes, summer quotes, autumn quotes and winter quotes. I’ve even got quotes about parenting teens for those challenging years!

You can also find lots of nature-themed inspiration and giggles in my jokes series, which includes summer jokes, flower jokes, plant puns, tree jokes, garden jokes, bee jokes, bird jokes and fruit jokes. They make great light-hearted captions for instagram posts and reels.

a year of nature craft and play by catherine hughes and becky goddard-hill

Nature fun for kids

If you like exploring nature with the kids, my book *A Year of Nature Craft and Play is well worth a look.  It’s packed with 52 brilliant nature-themed games, crafts and activities for kids, all designed to be low-cost, eco-friendly and easily accessible.  Find out more in my post on nature play.

The craft and gardening with children sections of the blog have lots of great ideas and projects too 🙂

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Discover the joy and beauty of sunflowers with our curated list of sunflower quotes. Perfect for anyone seeking botanical inspiration, these quotes capture the essence of floral beauty and offer uplifting words to brighten your day. Whether you're a nature lover or simply looking for a boost of positivity, these quotes are sure to inspire. Click to read the full article and let the sunflower magic fill your heart.

The post 100 sunflower quotes and sunflower captions to inspire appeared first on Growing Family.

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