8 effective ways to create more space in your home

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Some homes are genuinely small. Other properties begin to feel small once you add more people and possessions to them. Whatever the reason, many UK homeowners are grappling with the need for additional living space. 

In that scenario, you have two options: you can sell the property and move to a bigger home, or you can find clever ways to provide additional space. Unless you have additional reasons to move home, if it’s just a space issue then it’s probably easiest to stay put and use your space differently.

Let’s take a look at some of the most effective ways to create more space in your home.

8 effective ways to create more space in your home

Get serious about storage

Your home might have felt spacious once upon a time, but if your family grows or you acquire more possessions, you’re on the fast track towards clutter. And clutter is one of the main culprits when it comes to making a home feel smaller.

You can return your property to its former spacious glory by getting serious about storage. Some truly innovative solutions have hit the market in recent years, allowing you to store your belongings in parts of the home that were previously not being used. Do this, and you should notice the benefits immediately.

Get a storage unit

Alternatively, if you’re dealing with a lot of clutter, or have large items that you can’t really store anywhere other than out in the open, then consider renting a storage unit. With this, you’ll be able to keep the items that you want, but that you don’t need on a daily basis.

For example, you may have summer furniture that is taking up too much space in winter. You could also use a storage unit to store winter/summer clothes, or electrical items that you only need from time to time. Storage units can be surprisingly affordable, and once you’ve got one, it’s unlikely that you’ll give it up anytime soon!

Take another look at your furniture

It’s not necessarily the room itself that dictates how spacious it feels, but what’s contained within the room.

At a bare minimum, you’ll need to have furniture in a room. It’s important to think about the size and shape of the furniture, as well as the placement. In many cases, you can make a space feel larger – and even add additional usable space – just by switching the position of a sofa or a chair. 

Use wall space

Most people tend to only view their homes from eye level. As such, you’ll find that areas around that height of a room are normally pretty cluttered. However, you probably also have a lot of additional space above that area, so why not use it?

Wall space is especially handy for storing items such as books or records. Since you don’t need to access them very regularly, you can place them on a shelf that’s higher up.

Convert your loft or garage

You might have plenty of extra space in your loft or garage going unused. To most people, the loft and garage are just a dumping ground for all the items that aren’t worthy of a space in the main part of the property. By hiring a team to convert your garage or loft, you can help to create a whole new living space.

A loft can easily be transformed into a new bedroom, while a garage can be turned into a games room, a fun hangout zone, or even an annexe for relatives. If you’re a growing family, then having multiple living areas will help to lessen the burden on other parts of the home.

Add a garden cabin

When people think about adding space to their properties, they normally focus exclusively on the interior parts of their homes. But that’s not the only space that’s available to you. If you have a garden, then you have a lot of exterior space to play with, too.

One smart way to create more space on your property is to add a garden log cabin, which you can use as a home office, entertainment area, or a place to engage in your hobbies. They’re relatively easy to install, and since they’re well-insulated, you can enjoy the benefits all year round.

Get rid of the guest room

If you currently have a dedicated guest room, then it might be worth analysing just how frequently you actually have guests. If it’s only every now and again, then it would make more sense to put the space to better use.

For instance, you could create a yoga room, an extra living area, or a home gym. When friends come to visit, you could simply pop down a blow-up bed or invest in a multifunctional sofa bed.

Rethink the space

If you’re not sure exactly what’s possible with your home, then take another look at it. By thinking with a critical eye, you might discover that there’s an obvious way to free up space while also improving the overall quality of your home. 

For instance, you could add a desk space on the landing, or built-in storage under the stairs.


You might wish to live in a spacious palace, but that’s just not an option for the vast majority of us. But as we’ve seen above, homeowners have a lot of flexibility when it comes to how much space they have in their properties. Whether it’s changing the layout of a room to make it appear more spacious, or adding a standalone cabin to the garden that helps to create a new living area, there are countless ways to not only create more space, but to enhance the overall quality of your home.  

The post 8 effective ways to create more space in your home appeared first on Growing Family.

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