Gardening equipment that will save you time

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The gardening world can be a relaxing and peaceful place, but many of us sometimes wish there were a few ways to speed up the more tedious jobs. The good news is there’s plenty of gardening equipment that will save you time out there.

Here are a few gardening tools and accessories that can make those less than enjoyable tasks quicker and easier.

Gardening equipment that will save you time

Hedge Trimmer

A set of hedge trimmers is a must in a gardener’s toolkit, whether you use it for large jobs or small trimming work. What’s brilliant about hedge trimmers is that they can be used to completely slim down almost any bush, or create a stylish shape. 

Hedge trimmers come in various sizes. A larger model is ideal if you have a more extensive garden, but it might be overkill for smaller gardens where a more compact model will be adequate. 

Large Shovel/Spade

A large shovel may sound like an obvious tool, but it is far more useful and versatile than you may think.

Digging holes or digging up grass or weeds can take a while at the best times, and can take even longer if you’re using a small garden trowel. 

Instead, invest in a good-sized shovel that you can use to dig, move compost, move plants, or whatever else you may need. Once you start using a good shovel, you’ll wonder how you managed before.


A hori-hori is regarded as the Swiss army knife of gardening tools. It is fitted with a straight blade, one side sharp and one side serrated, as well as a notch for cutting twine, rope, or any other kind of thin material. 

You can also use the serrated edge to cut and trim bushes and thin branches. Some hori-hori’s also come with a mini measuring tape on the blade, allowing you to make small measurements as you go.

garden rake being used on a patch of soil

Bed Preparation Rake

Large gardens typically have large plant beds, and preparing them for plants or flowers can be a long and tedious job. While you can do it with a trowel, it can be long and backbreaking work. 

Instead, invest in a bed preparation rake that will allow you to prepare your garden beds in a matter of minutes. This tool easily turns a job that can take a few hours into something that can be done in less than thirty minutes. 

Landscape Cloth

Instead of finding a tool that helps you remove weeds faster, why not invest in something that removes your weed problem completely? Landscape cloth is the ideal tool for this, especially when you have large areas of your garden that you want to keep weed-free. 

Simply place the cloth over your garden beds, then cut holes in it to let your plants or flowers grow through. The rest of the bed is covered, which slows down or even stops the growth of weeds. 


Carrying bags of fertiliser or big plants across your garden can get very tiring very quickly. A wheelbarrow is a piece of gardening equipment that will save you time and effort on moving heavy bags, pots, and plants. 

A wheelbarrow is also ideal for moving dirt and other plant material to the compost heap or your car. 

Garden Wagon

For larger gardens, a wagon is a must. Most garden wagons are fitted with all-terrain tires, and are more than large enough to carry a few plants, some fertiliser, tools, and most accessories you need for a day’s gardening. 

A wagon is particularly useful if you are a solo gardener, as there is no need to get any help carrying things or going back and forth. 

Measuring Tape

When designing a garden and ensuring you plant everything where it needs to be, you need a measuring tape. There are many plants that can’t be planted right on top of each other, as they won’t get enough sun or water to thrive; this is why measuring is important. 

A measuring tape is also a useful tool for any other kinds of construction you may do in your garden. From putting up small fences to creating a garden path, a measuring tape will help you do the best job possible. 

Blade Sharpener

If you’re going to have hedge trimmers and a hori-hori in your gardening shed, you’re going to need a blade sharpener as well. A regular knife sharpener may not do the job, but there are several sharpening stones that you can invest in. 

It’s very easy to learn how to sharpen your blades properly. This not only allows them to be their most effective, but can also drastically increase their lifespan if you look after the blade. 

Garden Calendar

Finally, a garden calendar is a very simple and useful tool to help you not waste time doing jobs that aren’t necessary yet. Keeping track of when your plants need to be watered, weeded, when they need a change of soil, etc, will help you streamline your gardening and use your time more effectively. 

The post Gardening equipment that will save you time appeared first on Growing Family.

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