5 Ways To Add Warm Lighting Accents for Dark Winter Days

5 Ways To Add Warm Lighting Accents for Dark Winter Days

Five ways to make your home feel warmer during the dark winter months.

How I add soft ambient lighting around our home during the dreary winter days! 
I actually quite like an occasional cloudy winter or rainy day. It's the perfect excuse to stay in comfy clothes, light a candle and turn on all of the soft lighting in the house. 
But the dark winter months get to us all after a while. 
I waited the longest I ever have to take down our Christmas trees this month. Especially the basement tree — the twinkle lights were just so pretty and soothing. I wanted to leave it up forever. 
When we took it down I really missed those lights, and got to thinking about the ways I like to add some soft, warm light around our house.
These soft lighting ideas will help you keep the glow of the holidays around longer that make any home feel so inviting! 

1. Cozy countertop lamps

I like using lamps in general to add some soft, low light around our house. But last year I shared how much I love a little countertop lamp
These smaller lamps nestled on the counter are still my favorite way to add soft accent lighting: 
small countertop lamp
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In general, lamps on a dark day instantly warm up the space, but using them in spots like the kitchen or laundry room adds an unexpected dose of cozy. 

If you don't have an outlet, I have another lamp option for you later in the post!

2. Candle and wax warmers

These candle and wax warmers are my absolute favorite find of last year! I love them so much, we now have a few around the house. 
I love candles, but with animals I hesitate to burn them often. I've found that not only are these candle warmers safer, but soooo pretty: 

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