The family portrait reimagined: turning your snaps into personalised prints

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Family portraits have come a long way from the fixed smiles and coordinated outfits that many of us remember from our childhoods.

Gone are the days of being herded into a studio and holding a grin until your cheeks ache. Now, the candid, the spontaneous, and the heartwarming take centre stage.

Let’s take a look at how you can turn your everyday snapshots into personalised prints that truly capture the spirit of your family.

The family portrait reimagined: turning your snaps into personalised prints

The shift from traditional to modern family portraits

Remember the days when a family portrait meant a trip to a professional studio, complete with backdrops that looked like a Windows 95 screensaver? Let’s be honest, those portraits could be on the dull side.

The beauty of modern family portraits is that they capture the essence of your clan without the need for a studio. With the rise of smartphones and high-quality cameras, you can now snap a memorable family photo while you’re on a hike in the Lake District or gathered for a lazy Sunday roast.

Whether it’s a piece of wall art, a photo cushion, or even a picnic blanket, you now have myriad options to bring your cherished snapshots into your daily life.

The importance of capturing candid moments

There’s something magical about candid photos. Maybe it’s the genuine smiles, the hearty laughs, that impromptu cuddle your toddler gives the family dog… candid moments offer a slice of life, a snapshot of reality that staged photos often miss.

So, how do you capture these golden moments? First, keep your camera or smartphone handy. You never know when the perfect photo opp will arise. Second, embrace the imperfections. Whether it’s an unexpected laugh or a stray hair across a face, these quirks can add unique charm to your photos.

woman holding a photo canvas print

The world of personalised prints

Got a collection of family moments that are too good to keep hidden in your phone? Welcome to the world of personalised prints, where the options are tailored to fit every family’s needs.

Canvas prints are a go-to option here, and for good reason; they offer a timeless look that can seamlessly blend in with any room’s decor.

Photo books are another fantastic choice, especially if you love the idea of having a tangible keepsake to leaf through during family gatherings. And let’s not forget about home textiles, like cushions or blankets – nowadays it’s easy to get them printed with your favourite photos.

Creative ideas for displaying your personalised prints

When you’ve got some top-quality prints of your precious family moments, you’ll want to put them on display – and sticking them on the fridge next to the takeaway menus isn’t going to cut it.

For wall art, consider creating a thematic arrangement that tells a story or follows a colour scheme, turning a blank wall into a visual narrative of your family’s journey. Another idea is to integrate your canvas prints into a larger interior design concept, perhaps as a focal point above a fireplace or as a complement to a statement piece of furniture.

Home textiles like photo cushions or blankets can be strategically placed to enhance both comfort and aesthetics. A photo cushion could take pride of place on your favourite armchair, while a photo blanket could be elegantly draped over the back of a sofa.

Making it a family affair

Involving the whole family in the process makes for some fun quality time. Let the kids pick their favourite photos, or have them help design a photo book.

The environmental aspect

We’re all trying to do our bit for the planet. So when choosing your prints, look for companies that use sustainable materials – making their frames from recycled plastic, for example – or offer eco-friendly solvent-free inks. It might be a small step, but it’s a small step in the right direction.


Gone are the days when the family portrait was a formal affair, reserved for special occasions. Today’s family portraits are candid, spontaneous, and as unique as your family. So go ahead, turn those everyday snapshots into personalised prints that you’ll cherish for years to come.

The post The family portrait reimagined: turning your snaps into personalised prints appeared first on Growing Family.

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