The 30 Minute Quick Clean

Is it possible to completely clean your whole house in 30 minutes? No, but you can do a quick clean and reset the space and put your mind at ease. This method is perfect for the days you feel like you need to do a quick reset but aren’t quite sure where to start or if you have company coming or someone dropping by unexpectedly. If you’re doing the Clean Mama Routine, your house is never that messy because you’re staying on top of the daily messes, but everyone needs a little reset.

Try this simple method and you’ll find that this 30 Minute Quick Clean might just be your sanity saver this summer.

The 30 Minute Quick Clean tasks are broken down into three categories: The Basics, Ambience, and Cleaning Extras. Using a checklist will guide you and keep you on task. You can also work together with family members to complete the tasks on the list and speed this process up!

The 30 Minute Quick Clean

Here’s the system I follow:

I start with The Basics. These are the main areas in the home and most noticeable if someone is dropping by or if things have gotten away from me a bit. If this is all I get to, that’s FINE!  If I have extra time or if I’m feeling like continuing, I move beyond the basics.


These tasks are a great starting (or ending) point. Work in this order for maximum efficiency.

  • pick up entryway
  • do a quick declutter on main level
  • vacuum/sweep noticeable dirt
  • wipe down kitchen counters & table
  • put dirty dishes in the dishwasher or sink
  • put out clean kitchen towels
  • wipe down bathroom sinks
  • clean toilets
  • put out clean bathroom towels


Extra tasks that step up the reset up a notch, use these to start off your extras and feel free to add any others to the blank spots on the checklist.

  • wipe down mirrors
  • fluff pillows and arrange throw blankets
  • wipe off appliance fronts
  • quick dust – hit any surfaces that are visible, not a full dusting

Multi-Surface Cleaner Concentrate 


If you’re using this checklist before company comes over or just want to create a cozy atmosphere, check these things off the list.

  • light a candle or start a diffuser
  • turn on tabletop lights
  • turn on the music
  • adjust the thermostat

Signature Essential Oil Blends 

You can find this checklist on the Free Guides Page, enter your email address ONE TIME, check your inbox for the password and you’ll be all set to access the free guides page. If you already have the password, simply enter it.

I also have a whole section in the shop with printable kits designed to make your life easier. They’re all updated AND fillable so you can type in your own info or fill it out by hand. You can find them here in the shop.

The post The 30 Minute Quick Clean appeared first on Clean Mama.

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