6 simple tips for gardening in a rental home

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Are you looking for new ways to spruce up your garden in your rental home? Do you feel limited by your rental home when it comes to gardening? The good news is that with some handy tips and tricks, even the most urban flats to rent in Peterborough or any other area can be transformed into an oasis of blooms.

Whether you’re looking for advice on setting up your indoor plants, or trying to spruce up your outdoor space, there are plenty of inexpensive yet effective solutions. Read on to discover our top six simple tips for gardening in a rental home.

6 simple tips for gardening in a rental home

Research the landlord’s policy on plants and gardening before you start

Although it may seem difficult to garden in a rental home because there are so many limitations and restrictions, it’s not impossible.

One of the first things you should do is research the landlord’s policy on plants and gardening. While some landlords may have a strict policy about gardening on their property, some are more laid back and will be happy for you to make their garden look beautiful. By checking the landlord’s policy, or even reaching out to ask them about it, you will better understand what you can and can’t do.

person planting a plant in a pot

Use containers and pots to create a beautiful garden with limited space

If you’re in a position where you can’t mess with the garden or add anything to the ground, a great alternative is to use pots to create a beautiful container garden.

Containers and pots are temporary, and can easily be moved if you leave or encounter any issues. They won’t cause any damage to the property itself, and are a low-cost option for gardening in a rental home.

vertical gardening planter

Use vertical space for gardening

If your rental has a small indoor or outdoor area, you can bring more life into it by utilising vertical space. This can be done with trellis, vertical planters, and hanging baskets.

As well as making the most of the available space, you can green up an otherwise uninspiring area while also creating a haven for local wildlife.

closeup of petunia flowers

Invest in low-maintenance plants

The next thing you should pay attention to when gardening in a rental home is to invest in low maintenance plants. Choosing plants that don’t need much sunlight or water will save you time and effort, and is also a good way to stay in control of your gardening budget.

pansy plants in a car tyre planter

Repurpose old items as planters to save money

Buying pots for your plants can be very expensive, especially if you need a lot of them. You can keep costs down and make your garden more eco-friendly by repurposing old items as planters.

You can easily create a unique and beautiful garden in your rental home using things such as old coffee cans, teapots, and even kitchen utensils. If you don’t have any of these items around your home that you would be willing to use for gardening purposes, you can easily find them in charity shops.

homemade compost heap

Create a compost bin so that your garden doesn’t have to rely on chemicals

Lastly, reducing and recycling in your garden is a great way to keep it going. You can easily create a compost bin so that your garden doesn’t have to rely on chemicals. This saves money on fertiliser, and cuts down on waste be reusing your food scraps.

Follow these simple tips, and you’ll be able to create a beautiful low-maintenance garden in your rental property without breaking the bank.

The post 6 simple tips for gardening in a rental home appeared first on Growing Family.

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